Applications, Configuration Manager 2012, Deployment, Error

App Install Failed 80004005 – SCCM OSD Standalone Media


I created a standalone media of a fully functioning network build task sequence. A number of applications would not install from the stand alone media.

The SMSTS.log showed the following:
App install failed.
Install application action failed: ‘Office_2016_ProPlus_16.0.4266.1001_P1’. Error Code 0x80004005

No MSI log file was created, so the installer didn’t even begin.


In the task sequence the application had the Retry this step if computer unexpectedly restarts option enabled. Disable this setting and the stand alone media worked correctly.


Applications, Configuration Manager 2012, Deployment, Error, Task Sequence

Re: Install Application Step fails in Task Sequence

Great blog post about a similar issue we were having in production.

Instances where application will not install after a reboot. Even when the logs say they installed correctly. We found this was more likely to happen on devices with SSD compared to SATA drives.

Looks like a know bug, but nothing a sleep command can solve:

Error, MDT, Microsoft, Uncategorized

Oh dear: Non-zero return code from catalog utility, rc = -532462766

When the deadline is near last thing to need to see is this error.

I am trying to edit the unattend.xml with MDT 2013.

The error arrives, looks like it is time to reinstall the ADK.

Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly ‘Microsoft.ComponentStudio.ComponentPlatformInterface, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35’ or one of its dependencies. A strongly-named assembly is required. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131044) —> System.IO.FileLoadException: A strongly-named assembly is required. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131044)
   — End of inner exception stack trace —
   at Microsoft.BDD.Catalog.Program.DoCatalog()
   at Microsoft.BDD.Catalog.Program.Main(String[] args)

Non-zero return code from catalog utility, rc = -532462766


Deployment, Error, MDT, Microsoft

SkipTaskSequence=YES Error with Offline Media Builds

I have ran into this issue a number of times.

In MDT, I am creating offline media build for deployment via USB drive. I would like to make the deployment as simple as possible. So in the CustomSettings.ini there are lots of Skip syntax.

Whe you use the SkipTaskSequence=YES command the build fails after the wizard with a comment: Invalid DeploymentType “”.

Turns out you can’t use the SkipTaskSequence=YES syntax in the CustomSettings.ini because there is no DeployRoot variable in BootStrap.ini file. Add a DeployRoot in and it works fine (but we dont use one when using offline media, grrr).

Have a look at this social TechNet page, the last entry.


Administration, Error, Script, Windows 7

Devcon.exe “Disable failed” on Windows 7 x64

I was needing to disable some devices on a Windows 7 x64 computer. Did the usual download from Microsoft then constructed the syntax. I kept getting: Disable failed.

I have this working on WIndows XP x86. After some googling it turned out that the 64 bit version of Devcon.exe that is available to download from Microsoft is not compatible for windows 7 64 bit. Go figure.

You need to extract it from Windows Server 2003 x64 DVD.

Here is a link for the x64 version of Devcon.exe (zipped):

Disabling devices using Devcon

  1. List all devices to a text file: devcon find *> d:\list.txt
  2. Verify the device is unique: devcon find *VEN_1113
  3. devcon disable *VEN_1113
Configuration Manager 2012, Deployment, DISM, Error, MDT

Configuration Manager 2012 vs. McAfee VirusScan Enterprise

If you have worked with CM 2012 and had the pleasure of McAfee being installed on your servers, then you will know that the two don’t get along. Creating boot images, offline servicing and basically anything using DISM or ImageX fails with access denied.

You can read the official reason from McAfee here. Their solution is the same as what I’ve had to implemented, temporarily disable Access Protection in the VSE. Need to know how to do this? It is noted here on the McAfee site.

Microsoft also commented on the issue in a very generalistic way “Some DISM commands may be blocked by antivirus or antimalware tools. Before servicing an image, disable antivirus or antimalware tools on the technician computer” TechNet Article

So no real solution just a workaround. Make sure you have applied the anti-virus scan exclusions for Configuration Manager 2012 as noted on the site.

Error, MDT

MDT Linked Deployment Share – Access to the path is denied

Ever get replication issues with MDT, such as Access to the path is denied?

I have. Here a couple of things I have noticed.

Firstly, Anti Virus polices don’t like autorun.inf files. Do a quick search of your distribution shares and delete these files.

Secondly, remove the folder on the child distribution share with the access denied. A new replication will recreate the folder you have removed.

Hope this helps.